Talking with people in similar situations can make all the difference to your confidence and your ability to deal with dyslexia. So we would encourage you to seek out others in similar situations, and perhaps consider setting up a support group in your area.
Be sure to keep us posted on activities in your area so that we can develop a list of support group resources, simply email
Please note that DFNZ does not endorse or recommend any specific method, treatment, product, programme, organisations or individuals in regard to assistance with dyslexia. We encourage you to speak with a range of organisations, and to seek out a variety of information and opinions about what would best suit, taking into account budget and timing constraints.
Northland | Auckland | Waikato | Bay of Plenty | Gisborne | Hawke’s Bay | Taranaki | Manawatu-Wanganui | Wellington | Tasman | Nelson | Marlborough | West Coast | Canterbury | Otago | Southland
Nationwide Organisations
Auckland Region
Waikato Region
Bay of Plenty Region
Taranaki Region
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